Invisalign Platinum Elite
If you’ve ever considered opting for Invisalign as a treatment for misaligned teeth, then you will no doubt want to put your dental health in professional, caring hands.
If you’ve ever considered opting for Invisalign as a treatment for misaligned teeth, then you will no doubt want to put your dental health in professional, caring hands.
Dear Valued Patient,
Watford Smiles are still open with enhanced PPE and enhanced safety operating procedures.
We still recommend those who wear masks continue to do so whilst in the premises as per dental guidelines released July 2019. (See our news article for more information on https://watfordsmiles.co.uk/2021/07/19/19th-july-lockdown-easing/)
It is vital to keep appointments and for anyone who think they need any kind of dental care to contact the practice and seek help.
Routine treatment is essential treatment. Your oral health is important and screening for oral disease including oral cancer is essential; so routine care will continue including examination, hygiene and treatment appointments.
If you awaiting treatment and are available at short notice, please email your availability to the reception team by email ([email protected]) or phone (01923231861)
Please share this information with your friends, family and colleagues.
From the Team At Watford Smiles
Our practice is COVID safe by: